FATAL ERROR : Could not connect to Griffon's MySQL Database.
" ); } mysql_select_db( "personals", $link ) or die ( "FATAL ERROR : Could not open Griffon's MySQL Database: ".mysql_error() ); } else { $link = mysql_connect("mysql13.powweb.com", "tpnpersonals", "c1048576h" ); if ( ! $link ) { die( "FATAL ERROR : Could not connect to the Teens Personals Network™ MySQL Database" ); } mysql_select_db( "tpnpersonals", $link ) or die ( "FATAL ERROR : Could not open the Teens Personals Network™ MySQL Database: ".mysql_error() ); } } function checkPass( $username, $password, $newmember ) { global $link; if ( $newmember == true ) { if (substr_count($newmember, ".") ) // Is there a '.' in $newmember ? If so then $random_no is set { $res1 = explode(".", $newmember); // split sequence number at '.' $newmember = $res1[0]; // so make $newmember first number - before the '.' $query1 = "AND RANDOM_NO='$res1[1]'"; // and add this to for random seed number in mySQL query } $row = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM TEMP WHERE USERNAME='$username'",$link ); // get password from database $getrow = mysql_fetch_array( $row ); // make row of data into array $salt = substr($getrow[PASSWORD],0,2); // Extract salt from password $cryptedpwd = crypt( $password, $salt ); // encrypt form password and use in membership query $query = "SELECT ID, USERNAME, PASSWORD FROM TEMP WHERE USERNAME='$username' AND PASSWORD='$cryptedpwd' AND ID='$newmember' $query1"; $result = mysql_query( $query,$link ); if ( ! $result ) die ( "checkPass FATAL ERROR: ".mysql_error() ); if ( mysql_num_rows( $result ) ) return mysql_fetch_array( $result ); else return false; } else { $row = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE USERNAME='$username'",$link ); $geturow = mysql_fetch_array( $row ); $salt = substr($geturow[PASSWORD],0,2); $cryptedpwd = crypt( $password, $salt ); $query = "SELECT UID, USERNAME, PASSWORD FROM USERS WHERE USERNAME='$username' AND PASSWORD='$cryptedpwd'"; $result = mysql_query( $query,$link ); if ( ! $result ) die ( "Teen checkPass FATAL ERROR: ".mysql_error() ); if ( mysql_num_rows( $result ) ) { mysql_query( "UPDATE USERS set LOGINS = (LOGINS+1) where UID = $geturow[UID] ", $link ); return mysql_fetch_array( $result ); } else return false; } } function updateTable( $table,$column,$data,$tableid,$tid ) { global $link; $result = mysql_query( "update $table set $column='$data' where $tableid='$tid'", $link); if ( ! $result ) Print ( "updateTable Failed : ".mysql_error() ); return ( mysql_affected_rows($link) ); } function log_user ( $id, $username, $action, $log_ip, $address ) // log logins and logouts { global $link; $query = "INSERT into LOG ( UID, USERNAME, ACTION, LOG_IP, ADDRESS ) "; $query .= "VALUES ( '$id', '$username', '$action', '$log_ip', '$address' )"; mysql_query( $query, $link ); } function changePwd( $userid, $password ) { global $link; $result = mysql_query( "update USERS set PASSWORD='$password' WHERE UID='$userid'",$link ); if (!$result) return false; // not changed else return true; // changed successfully } function getRow( $table, $fnm, $fval ) { global $link; $result = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $fnm='$fval'",$link ); if ( ! $result ) { die ( "getRow FATAL error: ".mysql_error() ); } return mysql_fetch_array( $result ); } function countAds( $user_id ) // Counts the total number of Ads per UID & return Ad numbers { global $link; $count = mysql_query ("select COUNT(*) from PROFILES where UID='$user_id' ", $link ); return mysql_fetch_array( $count ); } function AdNumbers( $user_id ) // Gives Ad numbers - Used by contact.html { global $link; $result = mysql_query( "Select SID from PROFILES where UID='$user_id' AND STATUS=1 ", $link ); $ret = array(); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) array_push( $ret, $row[0] ); return $ret; } function getItem( $table, $column, $item, $itemvalue ) // In $table, retrieve $column value where item = itemvalue { global $link; $result = mysql_query( "SELECT $column FROM $table WHERE $item='$itemvalue'", $link ); if ( ! $result ) { die ( "getRow FATAL error: ".mysql_error() ); } return mysql_fetch_array( $result ); } function checkAdmin ( $username ) { global $link; $resultant = mysql_query("SELECT UID FROM USERS where USERNAME='$username'", $link ); if ( ! $result1 ) { Print ( "CheckAdmin Failed : " .mysql_error() ); } return $resultant; } function newUser( $username,$password,$random_no,$gender,$country, $dob,$email,$ip ) { global $link; $ts = mktime(); $timestamp = date("j M Y H:i:s", $ts ); $result = mysql_query( "INSERT INTO TEMP (USERNAME,PASSWORD,RANDOM_NO,TIMESTAMP,GENDER,COUNTRY,DOB,EMAIL,IP,REG_SITE) VALUES ('$username','$password','$random_no','$timestamp','$gender','$country','$dob','$email','$ip','TEENS' )", $link); if ( ! $result ) { die ( "newUser Insert Failed : " .mysql_error() ); } return mysql_insert_id( $link ); } function updateToAdult($defsite,$uid,$mage) { global $teen, $link; if ($uid == $teen[UID]) $resultant = mysql_query("UPDATE USERS set DEFSITE='$defsite', AGE='$mage' where UID='$teen[id]'", $link ); if ( ! $resultant ) { Print ( "updateToAdult Failed : " .mysql_error() ); } return ( mysql_affected_rows($link) ); } function updateMember( $username,$password,$ustat,$firstname,$lastname,$street,$suburb,$town,$state,$country,$postcode,$email,$dob, $age,$gender,$icqnum,$timestamp,$term_date,$reg_ip,$sw_icqnum,$uid,$defsite ) { global $link; $ts = mktime(); $tstamp = date("j M Y H:i:s", $ts ); if ( ! $uid ) // New member because $uid NOT set { $query = "INSERT INTO USERS ( USERNAME, PASSWORD, FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, STREET, SUBURB, TOWN, STATE, COUNTRY, POSTCODE, EMAIL, DOB, AGE, GENDER, ICQNUM, TIMESTAMP, TERM_DATE, REG_IP, LASTTIMESTAMP, SW_ICQNUM, DEFSITE ) VALUES( '$username', '$password', '$firstname', '$lastname', '$street', '$suburb', '$town', '$state', '$country', '$postcode', '$email', '$dob', '$age', '$gender', '$icqnum', '$timestamp', '$term_date', '$reg_ip', '$tstamp', '$sw_icqnum', '$defsite' )"; $result = mysql_query( $query, $link ); if ( ! $result ) die ( "insertMember error #1 : ".mysql_error() ); return mysql_insert_id( $link ); // return id } if ( $uid ) // must be Update - $uid set { $query = "UPDATE USERS set FIRSTNAME='$firstname',LASTNAME='$lastname',USTATUS='$ustat',STREET='$street',SUBURB='$suburb', TOWN='$town',STATE='$state',COUNTRY='$country',POSTCODE='$postcode',EMAIL='$email',DOB='$dob',AGE='$age',GENDER='$gender', ICQNUM='$icqnum',TIMESTAMP='$timestamp',TERM_DATE='$term_date',LAST_IP='$reg_ip', SW_ICQNUM='$sw_icqnum' WHERE UID='$uid'"; $result = mysql_query( $query, $link ); if ( ! $result ) die ( "updateMember update Failed: ".mysql_error() ); return mysql_insert_id( $link ); // return id } } function writeOptionList( $table, $id ) { global $link; $query = "select * from $table "; if ( ( $table == CATADULT ) || ( $table == CATEGORIES ) || ( $table == CATTEEN ) ) $query .= "ORDER BY ORDER_BY, CATNAME"; $result = mysql_query( $query, $link ); if ( ! $result ) { print "Failed to open $table

"; return false; } while ( $a_row = mysql_fetch_row( $result ) ) { print "\n"; } } function updateAd( $teen_id, $firstname, $lastname, $street, $suburb, $town, $state, $country, $postcode, $email, $dob, $age, $gender, $timestamp, $term_date, $sw_icqnum ) { global $link; $query = "UPDATE USERS set FIRSTNAME='$firstname', LASTNAME='$lastname', STREET='$street', SUBURB='$suburb', "; $query = " TOWN='$town', STATE='$state', COUNTRY='$country', POSTCODE='$postcode', EMAIL='$email', DOB='$dob', AGE='$age', GENDER='$gender', TIMESTAMP='$timestamp', TERM_DATE='$term_date', SW_ICQNUM='$sw_icqnum' WHERE UID='$teen_id'"; $result = mysql_query( $query, $link ); if ( ! $result ) { die ( "updateAd update error: ".mysql_error() ); } } function insertAd( $ad_title, $sex_ori, $what_seek, $available, $occupation, $personality, $looks, $photo, $love, $loathe, $url, $appearcountry, $appearcity, $appearstate, $status, $last_update, $last_ip, $nickname, $incat1, $sw_chat, $my_say, $sitecode, $user_id, $ad_id ) { global $link; if ( ! $ad_id ) // LAST_UPDATE = TIMESTAMP & $LAST_IP = FIRST_IP on insert! { $timestamp = $last_update; $uptime = date("j M Y H:i:s", $timestamp ); // Set UPTIME to human readable form $query = "INSERT INTO PROFILES (AD_TITLE, SEX_ORI, WHAT_SEEK, AVAILABLE, OCCUPATION, PERSONALITY, LOOKS, LOVE, LOATHE, URL, STATUS, APPEARCOUNTRY, APPEARCITY, APPEARSTATE, UPTIME, TIMESTAMP, LAST_UPDATE, FIRST_IP, NICKNAME, INCAT1, SW_CHAT, MY_SAY, SITECODE, UID ) VALUES( '$ad_title', '$sex_ori', '$what_seek', '$available', '$occupation', '$personality', '$looks', '$love', '$loathe', '$url', '$status', '$appearcountry', '$appearcity', '$appearstate', '$uptime', '$timestamp', '$last_update', '$last_ip', '$nickname', '$incat1', '$sw_chat', '$my_say', '$sitecode', '$user_id' )"; } else { $query = "UPDATE PROFILES SET AD_TITLE='$ad_title', SEX_ORI='$sex_ori', WHAT_SEEK='$what_seek', AVAILABLE='$available', OCCUPATION='$occupation', PERSONALITY='$personality', LOOKS='$looks', PHOTO='$photo', LOVE='$love', LOATHE='$loathe', URL='$url', STATUS='$status', APPEARCOUNTRY='$appearcountry', APPEARCITY='$appearcity', APPEARSTATE='$appearstate', LAST_UPDATE='$last_update', LASTIP='$last_ip', NICKNAME='$nickname', INCAT1='$incat1', SW_CHAT='$sw_chat', MY_SAY='$my_say', SITECODE='$sitecode' WHERE SID='$ad_id' AND UID='$user_id'"; } $result = mysql_query( $query, $link ); if ( ! $result ) die ( "insertad error: ".mysql_error() ); return mysql_insert_id( $link ); } function deleteAd( $sid, $uid ) { global $link; $query = "UPDATE PROFILES SET UID='0', STATUS='99', OLD_UID='$uid' WHERE SID='$sid' and UID='$uid'"; $result = mysql_query( $query, $link ); if ( ! $result ) die ( "deleteAd FATAL error: ".mysql_error() ); return ( mysql_affected_rows( $link ) ); } function suspendUser( $user_id ) { global $link; $query = "UPDATE PROFILES set STATUS='2' where UID='$user_id'"; $result = mysql_query( $query, $link ); if ( ! $result ) die ( "suspendUser FATAL error: ".mysql_error() ); return ( mysql_affected_rows($link) ); } function getUsers( $country="", $lastname="", $id="" ) { global $link; $query = "SELECT * "; $query .= "FROM USERS, WHERE "; if ( $lastname != "" && ! empty( $lastname ) ) $query .= "USERS.LASTNAME='$lastname' "; if ( ( $lastname != "" ) && (! empty( $lastname ) ) && ($id != "" && ! empty( $id ) ) ) $query .= "AND "; if ( $id != "" && ! empty( $id ) ) $query .= "USERS.UID='$id' "; $query .= "ORDER BY USERS.UID"; $result = mysql_query( $query, $link ); if ( ! $result ) die ( "getUsers Fatal Error: ".mysql_error() ); $ret = array(); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) array_push( $ret, $row ); return $ret; } function getUserJoined( $id ) { global $link; $query = "SELECT USERS.* "; $query .= "FROM USERS WHERE "; $query .= "USERS.UID='$id'"; $result = mysql_query( $query, $link ); if ( ! $result ) die ( "getUserJoined Fatal Error: ".mysql_error() ); return mysql_fetch_array( $result ); } function retrieveAds ( $email, $username, $user_id, $firstname, $lastname, $nickname, $town, $state, $country, $category, $ad_id, $sitecode, $fromage, $toage ) { global $link; $nowdate = date("U")-31536000; $query = "Select PROFILES.*, USERS.*, SEEKTEEN.SEEK as WHATSEEK, gender.gender as GENDERTYPE "; $query .= "FROM PROFILES, USERS, SEEKTEEN, gender WHERE "; $query .= "PROFILES.UID=USERS.UID AND PROFILES.WHAT_SEEK=SEEKTEEN.ID AND PROFILES.SEX_ORI=gender.id "; if ( ! empty( $email ) ) $query .= "AND USERS.EMAIL like '$email%' "; if ( ! empty( $username ) ) $query .= "AND USERS.USERNAME like '$username%' "; if ( ! empty( $user_id ) ) $query .= "AND USERS.UID='$user_id' "; if ( ! empty( $firstname ) ) $query .= "AND USERS.FIRSTNAME like '$firstname%' "; if ( ! empty( $lastname ) ) $query .= "AND USERS.LASTNAME like '$lastname%' "; if ( ! empty( $nickname ) ) $query .= "AND PROFILES.NICKNAME like '$nickname%' "; if ( ! empty( $country ) && $country != "ANY" ) $query .= "AND USERS.COUNTRY like '$country' "; if ( ! empty( $category ) && $category != "ANY" ) $query .= "AND PROFILES.INCAT1='$category' "; if ( ! empty( $town ) ) $query .= "AND PROFILES.APPEARCITY like '$town%' "; if ( ! empty( $state ) ) $query .= "AND USERS.STATE like '$state%' "; if ( ! empty( $ad_id ) ) $query .= "AND PROFILES.SID='$ad_id' "; if ( ! empty( $fromage ) && ( empty( $toage ) ) ) $query .= "AND USERS.AGE='$fromage' "; if ( ! empty( $fromage ) && ( ! empty( $toage ) ) ) $query .= "AND USERS.AGE BETWEEN '$fromage' AND '$toage' "; $query .= "AND USERS.USTATUS = '1' "; // 1 = user status = active member $query .= "AND USERS.TERM_DATE >= '$nowdate' "; // and not not expired $query .= "AND PROFILES.STATUS = '1' "; // 1 = Visible $query .= "AND USERS.AGE<=19 "; // aged 20 or less $query .= "AND USERS.DEFSITE = 'TEENS' "; $query .= "ORDER BY PROFILES.LAST_UPDATE desc LIMIT 0,25 "; // Limit the output to 25 rows $result = mysql_query( $query, $link ); if ( ! $result ) die ( "retreiveAds Fatal Error: ".mysql_error() ); $teen[countrows] = mysql_num_rows( $result ); $ret = array(); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) array_push( $ret, $row ); return $ret; } function getAds( $user_id ) //Used by reviewads.php { global $link; $query = "Select PROFILES.*, USERS.*, "; $query .= "CATEGORIES.CATNAME as CATEGORIESNAME, "; $query .= "SEEK.SEEK as WHATSEEK, "; $query .= "gender.gender as GENDERTYPE "; $query .= "FROM PROFILES, USERS, SEEK, gender, CATEGORIES WHERE "; $query .= "PROFILES.UID=USERS.UID "; $query .= "AND PROFILES.INCAT1=CATEGORIES.CATID "; $query .= "AND PROFILES.WHAT_SEEK=SEEK.ID "; $query .= "AND USERS.GENDER=gender.id "; $query .= "AND PROFILES.UID='$user_id' "; $querey .= "AND PROFILES.STATUS=1"; $query .= "ORDER BY PROFILES.SID "; $result = mysql_query( $query, $link ); if ( ! $result ) die ( "getads Fatal Error: ".mysql_error() ); $teen[countrows] = mysql_num_rows( $result ); $ret = array(); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) array_push( $ret, $row ); return $ret; } function getAdverts( $ad_id ) { global $link; $query = "Select PROFILES.*, CATEGORIES.CATNAME as CATEGORIESNAME "; $query .= "FROM PROFILES, CATEGORIES WHERE "; $query .= "PROFILES.INCAT1=CATEGORIES.CATID "; $query .= "AND PROFILES.UID='$ad_id' "; $result = mysql_query( $query, $link ); if ( ! $result ) die ( "getads Fatal Error: ".mysql_error() ); $teen[countrows] = mysql_num_rows( $result ); $ret = array(); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) array_push( $ret, $row ); return $ret; } function getAd( $ad_id ) { global $link; $query = "Select PROFILES.*, USERS.*, CATEGORIES.CATNAME as CATEGORIESNAME "; $query .= "FROM PROFILES, USERS, CATEGORIES WHERE "; $query .= "PROFILES.INCAT1=CATEGORIES.CATID "; $query .= "AND PROFILES.UID=USERS.UID "; $query .= "AND PROFILES.SID='$ad_id' "; $query .= "AND USERS.USTATUS=1 "; $querey .= "AND PROFILES.STATUS=1"; $result = mysql_query( $query, $link ); if ( ! $result ) die ( "getAd Fatal Error: ".mysql_error() ); return mysql_fetch_array( $result ); } ?> = "9" ) { $teen[data] = false; } else { $teen[data] = true; } return $user_row; } function checkUserData( $userarray ) // checks basic user data is valid { global $teen; if ( ! isset( $userarray[FIRSTNAME] ) || ! isset( $userarray[LASTNAME] ) || ! isset( $userarray[STREET] ) || ! isset( $userarray[EMAIL] ) || ! isset( $userarray[COUNTRY] ) || ! isset( $userarray[TOWN] ) ) { $teen[data] = false; // was $teen[details] ! 080202 10:24 header( "Location: updateuser.php?".SID ); exit; } } function html( $str ) { if ( is_array( $str ) ) { foreach ( $str as $key=>$val ) $str[$key] = htmlstr( $val ); return $str; } return htmlstr( $str ); } function htmlstr( $str ) { $str = htmlspecialchars( $str ); $str = nl2br( $str ); return $str; } ?> Members Login $teen[message]
"; $teen[message] = "" ; } ?>

Members Login

You are already logged in. Please Log Out before logging in again !"; if ( ( $message != "" ) OR $teen[sessionend] ) { print "

$message $teen[sessionend]

"; $teen[sessionend] = ""; } ?> If you encounter an error, please report it to the webmaster.



Sequence Number:

Can't remember
your Password ?

What to do:
This is for Members who have Registered.

Note: You will be unable reply to a Personal Ad on this site unless you obtain full membership first ! It's 100% FREE !! Simply click HERE or click on the 'Apply for Membership' button above.

For Members ONLY:
To Log in, enter your Username & Password and click on the "Log In !" button.
DO NOT put anything into the Sequence Number box !
After you Log In, you will be placed in your MembersMenu page.

New Membership Registration If you are following the Membership Application Sequence, put your Username, Password and the SEQUENCE NUMBER (sent to you by email) in the respective boxes and click on "Log In !".